Why I chose the Web CategoryI’m particularly interested in the area of web design and I believe selecting this category will help me to develop my knowledge in web design further a field. Therefore for this Short Client Project, I will be creating a flashy web banner and a microsite based on the theme ‘Insect Repellent’. Many people would search the internet for information as it is the most efficient way, rather than going through the library or searching for the relevant leaflets.
My Chosen CampaignMy choice is to work on the charity campaign. In my microsite/website, there will be information on the DANGERS and High Risks of insect transmitted diseases that tourists are not aware of when they travel abroad. I will explain how Insect Repellent spray can save them from Malaria and other insect borne diseases.
My Inspiration“Jungle Formula” was my first inspiration to my ideas. Their slogan “the product you have been itching for” and logo is very catchy and memorable. It immediately catches audience attention. The information that they have provided on their website, is very informative and helpful. It warns tourists the potential dangers of fatal diseases. By simply using Insect Repellent spray, they can reduce the risks of any type of diseases.